
Showing posts from 2020

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation        As the topic says it's actually a technology about robots so but in professional terms, it is a form of business process automation technology based on metaphorical software robots or on digital workers. Not only that but also it is the technology that allows anyone today to configure computer software or a robot to emulate and integrate the actions of humans interacting within digital systems to execute a business process.     Let's calculate the value of this RPA. We can calculate it with an example. A large consumer and commercial bank used 85 software bots to run 13 processes that handled 1.5 million requests. Moreover, RPA can be mainly used to automate infrastructure, workflows and back-office process we used RPA here because those fields are labour intensive. RPA is really a good career and a great opportunity for people who engaged in QA and testing and If anyone interested in RPA, they should have knowledge of RPA platforms and

Indispensable Cyber Security

 Indispensable Cyber Security      In this modern and fast-moving world, cyber security became an indispensable word in information technology. Anyway, what is this cyber security? Simply we can call it as a protection of computer systems and network from theft or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data. As well as cyber security is the practice of defending computers, mobile devices, servers, electronic systems network, and data from malicious attacks.      Let's talk about the types of cyber security. There are 5 main types of cyber security systems. They are cyber security critical infrastructure security, application security, network security, cloud security, and Internet of Things (IoT) security.      Let's move to types of cyber security one by one briefly. Cyber Security critical infrastructure is the security system that we use commonly in shopping centers, water purification, electrical grid, and hospitals to secure their systems from malicious attacks.

Cognitive Cloud Computing

 Cognitive Cloud Computing      First and foremost, what is cognitive cloud computing? Cognitive cloud computing is the use of computerized models to stimulate the human thought process in complicated situations when answers may be uncertain.      Moreover, In simple terms, we can be called cognitive computing as new hardware and or software that minimizes the functioning of the human brain and it ameliorates hard and complicated decisions.      Along with, the key use of cognitive cloud computing is to stimulate human thought process in computerized models therefore this has been using in several fields. One of them is the business field. This prepares businesses in building a proper response to uncontrolled factors and support to create lean business processes.      The basement of Cognitive cloud computing is artificial intelligence and signal processing. Cognitive cloud computing is being used in a plethora of situations .such as, machine learning, reasoning, natural language proce

Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence     In this revolutionary modern world, artificial intelligence becomes a handling arm of information technology. Artificial intelligence his a technology in that machines demonstrate intelligence     The honor of founding artificial intelligence goes to a group of people. John McCarthy is one of the founder fathers of artificial intelligence together with Allan Turning Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and Herbert A Simon.      There are four types of artificial intelligence. They are reactive machines, limited memory, the theory of mind, and self awareness.AI works by combining a large amount of data with fast iterative processing and intelligent algorithms, allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data.      Moreover, the main purpose of artificial intelligence is, It helps to machines to learn from experience like human beings. Prominent examples for it is self-driving cars and chess-playing computers.      Furthermore, there

Angular vs React

 Angular vs React      Angular is a fall fledge framework or structural framework for developing web apps which is an open-source Javascript framework.      React is a library developed by Facebook. We mainly called it JavaScript library. Popular Uses      Creating a history of 'Angular' moved to 2010. It was released by Google. History of 'React' moved to 2011, it was created by Jordan Walke and open-sourced it in May 2013.      There are so many advantages of both Angular and React. Well-known advantages of Angular are data binding, faster application development, Directives, Minimum Code, Testing support, Simple architecture modules, and good for large and complex projects, etc. Not only that but also there are so many advantages of React such as handles dependencies, template designing, easy to adopt and makes Java script easier, etc.      Moreover, to take a clear view of those angular and React, we should know about the key features of both of them. Therefore let&

Drone Technology

 Drone Technology      An unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV is another term that we are using to call well-known drones. The drone is an aircraft that we commonly use in the 21 st  century for a plethora of very important tasks.      Moreover, the dawning of drone technology flies centuries back. In 1916, the US created the first pilotless aircraft. This assisted in the fabrication of drones. The founding father of drones is Abraham Karem who is a pioneer in the innovation field.      How does drone technology work? Drones use rotors. Drones can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in conjunction with onboard sensors and GPS. The main art technologies used in drones are inferred cameras, GPS, and laser. Drones are managing by a remote ground system.      There are 4 major types of drones based on the type of aerial platform used. They are Multi Rotor drones, Fixed-wing drones, single Rotor Helicopter, and fixe


BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY      Information technology, a  sub-discipline of computer science is enormously dynamic. We are in an age where information technology is being used extremely to store, record, and disseminate information in digital form. Nevertheless, it is essential to keep all data safe. To give an illustration of what I mean, blockchain technology is the safest way to secure data from hacking. One of the prominent examples of blockchain technology is “bitcoin”.      The origin of blockchain technology moved to 1991. However current blockchain technology was created in 2008 by an unknown group under the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto”. Bitcoin is the simplest way to understand what is blocked chain technology. From recent updates, bitcoin is more worth than 18,091usd.      Blockchain technology is a decentralized distributed ledger based on peer to peer (P2P) topology.  Another key thing to remember is in blockchain technology allows data to be stored globally on “nodes”. Nodes a

Quantum Computer

 Quantum Information      Quantum information in physics and applied science is information about the state of a quantum system. It's an integral a part of the study of quantum scientific theory and might be manipulated using quantum information science methods. Like classical information, quantum information is often processed using digital computers, transmitted from one place to a different, manipulated with algorithms, and analyze with computer science and mathematics. Quantum System      Quantum  physics may be a  basic theory of physics that Classifies the physical attributes of nature on the dimensions of subatomic particles and atoms. All physics which including scientific theory, quantum chemistry, quantum technology, and quantum  science has been the premise. Using Nanophotonics for Quantum Information Processing Quantum computer Computers that present quantum calculations are called quantum computers.  Quantum computers are believed to be ready to res olve some computer